Thursday, November 3, 2016

How to prep your home to sell

Hi , Brad Sinclair from Flat Rate Realty.  I created this blog to talk to you about prepping your home properly not only for showings but also for the marketing professional photography and video tours. I can’t stress enough how crucial this is. If you decide we are the Realtor for you, we work with you going room to room to give you our professional opinion on what needs to be done to ensure your home photographs, video tours and shows at its best. We very rarely recommend putting money into your home as you usually do not get a return on your investment however there are a lot of little things you can do that will make thousands of dollars of a difference and ensure you get a top dollar offer. The most common thing I see that needs to be done is de-cluttering. When we live in a home with our families for a long time we accumulate stuff that typically makes rooms look smaller and hide the lines and features of your home. When selling your home less is sometimes more. Counters must be cleared off, for example kitchens I want to see everything 100% off the counters, off the fridge, off all appliances, if you have nice upgraded flooring remove rugs that way we are able to show off all the features. Make sure your landscaping is well maintained at all times, your home needs to be spotless, clean baseboards, vents, fans fixture etc… Also smell is crucial, we want to make an amazing impression and smell is a big part of that. Remember homebuyer may be looking at 10+ homes that same day, we need to make sure your home stands out from the other homes in every way. Your competition becomes all the other homes in the area and it is crucial we dominate your competition in every way to ensure you are getting the highest possible price for your home. For a 100% no obligation, no hassle and absolutely no pressure listing interview contact us anytime and we would love the opportunity to interview for the job! Thank you and have an amazing day!

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