Peterborough and Lindsay Stories and Headlines: Selwyn PolarFest 2018, Dude, where's my car, Transparent is not how the Peterborough Farmers Market going to go, List my house now? Really?

Selwyn PolarFest 2018: Selwyn Polar is quickly coming! On February 2, 3 and 4th is an outdoor  festival for the whole family. Everyone is invited to Selwyn to enjoy the festivities! The major sponsor is Eastlink. The two most popular events is the ice sculpture carvings and the polar plunge. Don’t miss out on the other events that are planned. You will find shinny hockey tournament, night hike, snow pitch and much more. Check out this article written by Lance Anderson of Peterborough this Week for more details.

Dude, where's my car? If your car is not on the street in Peterborough where you left it, here is where you will find it.

Transparent is not how the Peterborough Farmers Market going to go: I followed Joelle Kovach of the Peterborough Examiner twitter account last night closely as the meeting was being held to decide the fate of the 7 vendors at the Peterborough Farmers Market. The board decided to keep the public shut out of the proceeds. A GAG order was given. I am serious. A GAG order was given for a farmers market meeting. This is out of control and someone needs to step in. Cindy Hope the president hid from the media and sent Mark Jones, marketing director outside to tell the media to go home. Instead of being transparent, the board has decided secrecy is the best way to go. That won’t feed the fire at all, will it? Stupidity at its best that decision.

As a member of the public, I don’t know the full story. I don’t know both sides of the story. I have heard snippets of information and I am trying to decide what is right and what is wrong. Since this issue is now in the spot light of the public eye there is no benefit to keeping secrets if you believe you are in the right. Bad decision on the Peterborough Farmers Market Board.

List my house now? Really? "I am waiting until spring to list my house when it looks the best" I hear this statement all the time from home sellers and they are dead wrong. Now is the time to list especially if you live in the City of Peterborough.

Listings (inventory) is extremely low right now. Most current listings that have been around for a while so imagine the excitement that is caused when a new listing hits the market. It is craziness! Today you will get more for your house then you will ever get in the spring market, even more then when your house looks its best in June. That is because there is a ton if listings hit the market in May/June. You will be ahead of the pack.

Best part of selling your home now is the closing will be when all the new listings are hitting the market and you get your choice of the new batch! You will also be in better bargaining position because there is so much more inventory!

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Written for you by:

Your local Realtor®
Brad Sinclair, Sales Representative
Flat Rate Realty
The HOUSESOLD name for buying and selling real estate in Peterborough and local waterfront! 
